Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weigh In No. 2 and a beauty bust

This week has been extremely busy for me, but being busy didn't get in the way of me working out this week. I'm not a gym rat, but I made it a point to get my butt in the gym three times this week. Once you make working out part of your routine and it gets the same importance and necessity as lets say brushing your teeth or washing your hair, being busy does not become an excuse to not workout.

Saturday's have always been my weigh in days. 16 months ago I started attending Weight Watchers meetings, but I was never really consistent. My attendance was usually based on how my week went, if I had a good week, than I would go, if I had a bad week, I wouldn't go I didn't. It has only been in the last 4-5 months that I have been consistent in attending. No more of this playing with the scale, if I have had a bad week (food or exercise wise), I want to know so I can fix the problem before it gets out of control.  

After my morning workout at the gym and making a pit stop at Coffee Bean for my morning "juice" I trekked my butt over to Weight Watchers and weighed in and this is what the scale had to offer me:

Weigh In No. 1: 243.4
Weigh In No. 2: 241.4 (-2.0lbs)

Woohooo!!!! Those workouts and conscious eating really work, its the good old fashion way of losing weight. I guess that why it's been around longer than all the other fad diets that come and go. My goal this week is to get out of the 240's, let's do this thang! 

My face has been SOOOOO dry recently and I have being trying everything that I have in my medicine cabinet to try to get some moisture back into my face, along with the all important drinking of lots of water, which to be honest can be improved upon.  Well, my skin has rebelled and thought that it would be in my best interest if I break out. I felt like I was 14 again and going though puberty. So I thought I try one more thing, I love Philosophy products and have used them in the past before, so I know how they work with my skin. Sometime ago I bought Lasting Hope (a instant refreshing moisture mask) and thought I'd give it a shot.

Trying out the mask


It worked!! I reapplied it two more times this week and well it seems that my skin likes Philosophy products, my wallet on the other hand doesn't understand. But I figure you only have one face so you gotta take care of it!!! This week I also went for it and busted out the red lipstick. Me thinks it's gonna be making more appearances :o)

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