Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moments of Weakness

Have you ever gone into a clothing store, grabbed an article of clothing off the rack in what you thought was your size, only to try it on and it doesn't fit, it's too tight, heck I can't even get the stupid thing on. Well, it happens to me a lot, my closet is full of clothes that I cannot wear because they are too small. Shopping for a chubber can be difficult and for me personally, I hate shopping for clothes in a store and will never try anything on at the store. I would rather buy it, try it on at my house and then decide if I'm going to keep it and I usually do. Why don't I just return the clothes that don't fit? Well I've thought of that and I've also thought of the look that the pretentious modelesk sales clerk will be giving me as I tell her I want to return a skirt that was clearly too small to get over my German birthing hips.

These clothes find their way to my closet and in my closet among all those "skinny" clothes there's that gorgeous Anthropologie dress. 
The Anthropologie dress

The one that I bought three years ago, that was ridiculously too expensive for me, but I just had to have it. Half of my closet is full of clothes that I can't fit in.....yet!!.

When I started writing this post, it started sounding like I was sorry for myself and like I was mad at the world because clothes shopping sucks for me and the clothes I want to wear don't fit me, Pity party for one! But that's not the message I want to portray and I don't want to continue to feel sorry for myself, I want to wear that dress, ditch the stretch, I want to attack that stack of jeans that has been piling up for some time and those clothes that have been neglected for years. I want to be able to walk into any clothing store and purchase a dress, pants or whatever without thinking about what fat binding contraption will I need to wear underneath to make it look at least presentable. But rather the harping on why I can't wear what I have in my closet, I'm choosing to do something about it. Sure there I had a moment of weakness today (I ate some french fries) and no doubt there will be many more, but just because you drop your phone on the floor doesn't mean that you have to step on it and break it. So in other words, just because you have a moment of weakness and make a bad food choice doesn't me you have to continue to eat bad for the remainder of the day. Like with the phone, what's the logical thing to do: pick it up. So "pick yourself up" get over it and finish your day better than how you began it. Have a healthy dinner, go for a run or walk, be active but whatever you do don't let that moment of weakness ruin your day.

Today's Workout: 60 mins. elliptical and some weight training to get rid of the bingo arms (aka arm fat).

Dinner: Homemade Tuna Sandwich with lots of veg., watermelon and a glass of grapefruit juice. (I was only able to eat half of the sandwich)

Lots of cleaning to do tonight, having a BBQ at my house this Friday - Tootles!

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