Sunday, May 27, 2012

Garden Revamp Pt. 1 and Sunday Lunch

I spent 3 hours on Friday and other 2 on Saturday working on my flower and vegetable garden. Although it is not completely finished, I think I made a pretty good dent.

One of my flower beds was run over with a
nasty system of roots, I think pulling up those roots took up most of my time.  

It took forever to dig these out. My flower beds aren't perfect, well there not going to be perfect for a while but they are getting there slowly.
I started working on vegetable garden two weeks ago so they are starting to really grow.

In the vegetable garden is: Romain and freckled lettuce, Roma, Beefsteak and Cherry Tomatoes, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Bell Peppers, Watermelon, Green Beans, Corn, Cucumber and Strawberries.

After Sunday morning service, my friend Roxy came over to help me redesign the look of the blog. I bribed her with food. I was planning on using a recipe I came across of sweet potatoes with goat cheese and kale. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough goat cheese, nor time to run to the store and get some before church this morning. So instead, I made salmon ("baked" on the grill because my oven went kaput) with spinach tortellini and kale sauteed in pancetta, garlic and cannellini beans.

Roxy asked me if my food is made with MSG, to which I replied, "My food is made with L-O-V-E"

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