Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weigh In No. 1

I'm very nervous about this post, I think I've made obvious by lack of posts for two days. Honestly I'm embarrassed and did not want to let my real weight known to the world, its a pretty terrifying and  scary move. I have been thinking about this post for the last two days and many things were going through my mind: What will people think when they see me now? Will people think I'm disgusting because I let myself get to this weight? However, those kinds of thoughts will not help me in my progress, but hinder it.

I guess putting off this post and mulling over in my mind the "repercussions"of posting my weight, I've come to the conclusion that I don't care what people think of my weight anymore, I'm not going to continue to try to hide (like a chubbers can really hide her weight) or complain about my weight and habits, but rather do anything and everything I can do to get healthy and maintain a lifestyle. So here we go, things are about to get real:

My heaviest weight: 276 lbs (WOWZERS, and not in a good way, I was flirting with 300lbs!)

In the last 10 months I have lost 32.6 lbs. with a current weight of 243.4!!!!

My goal weight is 160lbs. now that's 83.4lb to lose. It sounds really daunting and almost impossible to do, but I've already lost 30+lbs. now the plan is to lose 30 more, and 30 more and  then 23.4 more lbs.