Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So many times have I made an attempt to lose weight, I know it's possible to lose weight, I know I can do the exercise and I know I can eat a healthy food, but eventually I give up, make excuses and revert back to old habits. They do say habits are the hardest things to break, I just need to get some new ones.

For the last two-three weeks I have been religiously jogging and seem to be getting faster and my stamina is stronger. My diet needs a makeover though. I can honestly say I don't eat In-N-Out a lot, I can't even remember the last time I had it. I do however like to snack, and I have been getting the muchies  a lot recently, and I find that it is so hard to fight that temptation to have a little nibble here and a little bite there. I hate that I have such a hard time with food, but I am determined to win to my war with unhealthy food.

I had a personal trainer once upon a time, and a phrase she told me has stuck with me over the years, but I never paid a lot of attention to it: "I may have the fat genes, but I'm going to live in skinny jeans." Over the years I was waiting for an ah-ha moment to kick start my weight loss, but that moment never came. I was waiting for someone to make that moment happen for me rather than wanting and making it happen for myself. No one else put on this weight, I did it all myself, and no one is going to put in the effort to get rid of it, unless that person is me!!


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