Monday, June 4, 2012

The Weekend Wrap Up

What's happening to the weekends, I woke up this morning wondering where Saturday and Sunday went. The weekend seems to be getting busier and busier and Monday likes to sneak up on me.
I get to teach Sunday School with my best friend, Monica, and this Saturday we took a couple of our students who will be graduating out of our class to Chuck E. Cheese.....the experience was eye opening. The kids weren’t bad, they were pretty good, even great. Even though there was only a couple of them, there was only two of us, and the kids wanted to go in all directions and not mention it is a money sucking leach. The kids blew through their tokens, and I couldn’t resist their little sad faces, so more and more tokens were purchased. I’m happy I got to spend time with my little chitlins and I will miss not having them in my class.

I got to spend the rest of the day with my bestie, we got our eyebrows threaded, thank goodness I had bangs to hide them for as long I was able to, they needed some major cleaning up. I felt like I had two caterpillars taking a vacation on my forehead, not cute!
Next stop, Target, and anyone who knows my unspoken "rule" about Target, well lets just say they should not come with me. I have to go through every section maybe that’s why I always leave with a basket full of stuff that I didn’t need. My best friend should know this, so there was no reason for her to be so surprised that we spent two hours meandering around Target.

Sunday morning was spent at church, Sunday afternoon I went to the mall with a couple of friends, I bought a new lipstick from Bobbi Brown called Roseberry. I gawked at this Michael Kors bag that I’ve been wanting for sometime. I was so close to doing some major financial damage, but I slowly stepped away, but I will be back someday to take you home Michael Kors Jet Set Medium Travel Tote. After the church service Sunday night I had an impromptu get together with some of my friends, we picked up some pizza and bread sticks and I made some banana boats (I got the recipe off of Pinterest). I love spending time with my friends and I’m so thankful God has placed each one in my life.

Breakfast today was the usual greek blueberry yogurt & iced hazelnut americano. I forgot my lunch at home so I had to pick up something near work. Lunch was seared tuna that was brushed herbs with grilled veg and a green salad. After working out and a Sprouts run I ate dinner which was salad with miso dressing and watermelon.

Dinner - Salad with cucumbers, tomato, carrots, avocado, beets, red onion, cilantro and miso dressing.

Today's workout: 45 mins. on the elliptical and some weights

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