Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to Poached an Egg 101

Tonight's din din is simple and fast cause I don't have a lot of time, this weekend is busy which seems to be a reoccurring phenomenon. I don't like it! Anyways, din din was poached eggs over mixed greens, drizzled with mushroom and sage olive oil.

Now poaching eggs is not as hard as people think, it looks fancy, but its not, are doing is slowing simmering the egg in water, simmering, not boiling. Someone on the Food Network said that you want the water in the pan just like you want you jacuzzi water. Not boiling, but bubbling just a wee bit, ok maybe they didn't say wee, but here's how to make a poached egg.

Fill a medium sauce pan with about 5" of water and bring to a simmer
Crack the egg in a small bowl, be careful to not break the yolk
Gently, very gently, drop the egg in the water

Depending on how you liked your yolk, depends on how long you keep the egg in the water. If you like a running yolk, keep the egg in the water for 3 minutes, but if your are not a fan of the running yolk and like you egg cooked a bit more, go for 5 minutes instead. I happen to like 3 minute eggs.

One minute - the egg white is starting to get a tinge of white.

Two minutes - the egg white is uniformly the same color.

Three minute egg - the entire egg white is now encapsulating the yolk.
Using a slotted spoon, remove the eggs and place on a paper towel to drain excess water.
You can eat poached eggs with toast for breakfast, have them with a salad, maybe with some steamed vegetables like green beans or asparagus. Also try drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, you will not be disappointed. 

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