Sunday, June 10, 2012


There are some areas of my life that I am able to exercise patience, but alas, there are somethings that I struggle with exercising any level of patience, and they usually revolve around my weight, my future husband (whoever he may be) and trying to figure out what I need to be doing for the rest of my life. Thankfully there are two things that help me push through the days of impatience: writing and prayer.

I'm going to let a little secret out: I like to write. Now I'm not the most eloquent of writers and my writing has little to no consequence to anyone but save myself, but I do enjoy putting on paper and out of my brain my thoughts, prayers, wishes and things I wish I had the courage to say to a handful of people face-to-face. I also really like to like letters to people, now not a single one of them has ever made it to the post office, and I doubt they ever will as they are mostly written for my sanity. Anything I write is usually on scraps of paper or in notebooks that are supposed to be used for other purposes, but one thing is certain, they always find their way back to a special box where I keep special mementos. I am looking forward to filling in the new journal my parents gave me with new or the continuous and ever present desires of the heart, prayers, wishes and letters.

My new journal
 In addition to writing, prayer is also a tremendous comfort. Being able to pray is one of the greatest gift in the world God has given us and it amazes how quickly He will answer a prayer. I'm thankful that He hears our prayers, sure He may not answer our prayers right away and oftentimes we think that He is not listening, but He hears our cries, He knows the unspoken desires of our hearts, He knows our wants and our needs. God knows what is in our best interest, and while we may struggle and not understand why things are not working out the way WE want, maybe God is using our inner struggles to strengthen our faith. We are sinful and we lack faith, but we often we forget that God is the one person who we can turn to in our greatest need, He placed every star in the sky, created the world with the power of His word, and performed so many miracles while he was on earth. He has known about our very existence long before our parents, our family and friends knew us, and yet we think that He is not able to solve our miniscule issues. Our God is big and capable of so much, we need to remember that he has a plan for each one of our lives and His timing, not ours, is perfect!!!      

A new favorite verse of mine is Psalm 37:4 and 5 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 

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