Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sleep and mani/pedi

I have been MIA for a couple of days as I have been using what extra time I have to catch up on sleep. Sleep has been evading me for the last three nights and I'm not a the type of person who can survive, let alone manage, on minimal amounts of sleep, I like my sleep. Lately I end up falling asleep early in the morning, but then usually I end up waking up late for work. Friday morning I woke up at 7:33, I'm supposed to be on the road by 7:15 to get to work on time. I hate getting ready for work rushed, especially 15 minutes after I was supposed to be out the door. Thankfully I made it to work at 8:00 and not in my pjs!!!

As a girl, nothing beats ending a long week then spending time with my "sister-friend", getting some mani/pedis and going shopping at the mall with her and her daughter, mostly window shopping these days. I have shopping issues, while I'm not a fan of shopping for clothes, I do like shopping for other things. Shoes, I love shoes and make-up too. I picked up a lipstick I had been trying to get, but everywhere I went it was sold out. So I was happy about finally getting it.

Today's workout: elliptical for 40 mins. (502 calories gone, bazinga!) and rowing for 5 mins (hard). This week there has been too much eating bad unhealthy food and not enough working out, mostly due to bad planning on my part. So to solve that problem to do list are going to be prepared daily and workouts in the morning is going to become regular so I'll be able to do more when I get home after work.
Happy feet
New lippy: Bobbi Brown - Rose
Monday's to do list

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