Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Weekend Wrap Up

Church, light lunch, garden update and new baubles - oh my!!!!

Sunday is the Lord's day and at church with my church family. This mornings sermon was on the 9th commandment - Thou shalt not bear false witness, oh how it involves more than just lying.

After church and helping set up for the church-school's high school graduation, it was lunch time. I have not been eating real healthy meals the last couple of days due to lack of planning on my part, so today's lunch was on the lighter side. One small red potato, topped with herb greek yogurt and chives and a green salad. Mix 1/4 cup of plain greek yogurt, 1/4 tsp. parsley and dried onion and 1/8 tsp.Trader Joes 21 seasoning salute in a bowl. Spoon mixture over potato and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Baby Cucumbers

My garden has gotten a lot bigger, the lettuce is growing (there is some freckled lettuce in the salad i had for lunch today), the cucumber and tomato plants are huge. The cucumber has little baby cumbers that are starting to grow. The tomato plants are tall and starting to flower, I think they should be bearing fruit in a week or two.

  I've been wanting to find a ring to wear with the ring my dad gave me for my 13th birthday. I found one that was my birthstone from OhKuol an etsy store, I love etsy, but that's another post for another day. Anyways, on Saturday it finally came in and I love it! Gotta run and squeeze in at least two loads of laundry before tonight's church service/graduation. Yay for laundry, the never ending chore!!

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