Sunday, November 18, 2012

Morning Workouts

Why are morning workouts so hard? Well we are creatures of habit (good or bad), and well if we are not used to something, we have to change and changing bad habits is not always an easy thing to accomplish successfully. Especially in the fall and winter when its a little chilly at 5am and the thought of emerging from my warm bed is something that would rather not do. But alas, I have an even harder time getting motivated enough to go to the gym after a 9 hour day at the office. So either way it will be a challenge, the thing now is to pick which challenge I want to tackle? 1. Wake up earlier (endorphins keeping me going through out the day) or 2. go to bed later (endorphins keeping me awake and preventing me from sleep)? Decisions, decisions.  Well tomorrow I will be starting a mini experiment on myself, I will usually workout four times in a week, and this week I will try to see what workout time works better for me.  Monday and Wednesday will be morning workouts and Tuesday and Thursday will be evening workouts. Throughout the week I will be checking in and reporting, and with Thanksgiving on Thursday this week will be difficult, but all good things come with some sacrifice and hard work. So here we go, are you ready for this wild crazy road ahead, I'm not sure I'm completely ready, but I have to start somewhere and keep myself going.

Off to bed I go, got a early wake up call, the treadmill is calling my name,eggghhhh. The sound of waking up at 5 tomorrow is revolting, but I gotta do it!!! I'm reluctantly going to bed now, ok maybe in 20 mins, gotta put my workout clothes out, get my water bottle ready and make sure the ipod is fully charged with some good "inspiring" music (i.e. theme from Chariots of Fire), pinky promise.

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