Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving and Throughout the Year

As today is Thanksgiving, God has given me much to be thankful for this year. I must express gratitude first and foremost to God, who because of His providence in my life 25 years ago my life has been forever changed. Almost 25 years I was adopted by two wonderful parents, brought  out of a situation where if I would have not been adopted I would probably find myself today in the same tough spot where my birth mother found herself. I was her second child, by her second boyfriend, with no stable home and no way of providing for both my sister and me. Thankfully God had a very different plan for my life and I will forever be grateful.

If it weren't for my adoption, I would not have been given the upbringing that my parents have given me, a upbringing where God is the center, His name never mentioned in a disrespectful way and not followed by a string of curse words, where the importance of church  is made plainly known and practiced and if it weren't for those thing might have not gotten saved. Some people might think that a Pastors daughter might not be given the opportunities "allotted" a maturing adult woman. It might seem like a boring and ridiculous way to spend ones life in and around church, however, if it were not for my adoption into this specific family I would not have had gotten to know the amazing Godly role models, who have along with my parents have given me many hours of advice (unsolicited or solicited), who pray for me when I ask and even when I don't ask and who are always willing and ready talk with me about whatever problem I am having in my life. They have been so instrumental in molding my life into what it is today. If it weren't for my adoption I probably would not have the friends that I have today and experienced the closeness of our friendships. I love how I am friends with people in their 40s and those that are 15. Crazy likes crazy I guess. My friends are like a part of my family and I love like I love my family. We're like one big huge crazy loud family. I love my life and even though I experience my ups and downs, they are minuscule to what the problems I could be facing and what my life would have been if I were not adopted.

This year has been crazy and amazing, discouraging and uplifting all at the same time. I had my 5th surgery this year, experienced a merger at work, started wondering if I was making the right choice about my career, have had struggles with friends, strengthened those friendships and prayerfully anticipating their growth. I'm excited to see what God has in store the new friendships that have developed and blossomed this year and where and what they lead to. This year I have been challenged by God especially in my faith in His timing and providence in my life, which is ironic given Him intervening in my life 25 years ago. I am not a perfect person by any means and I struggle, but yet He always hears the prayers of His children. And while He may not answers my prayers when I want them answered, I must rely that He knows what is in my best interest and will answer my prayers in His own oh so perfect timing. While its always nice to vent to family and friends and seek their advice, we must always seek God's first and foremost. He has already given us the advice we need for our lives,  if we will only read His word, place the desires of our hearts before Him and wait on Him to answer our pleadings and hear the oftentimes unspoken desires of our hearts.

I have so much to be thankful for and I look forward to what God has planned for me in the upcoming year. I wish all my family and friends a very happy Thanksgiving and hope that you have had a wonderful time today. Remember always that we have much to be thankful for and I hope that I, along with you, will remember the feelings of thankfulness that were expressed on this one day out of 365 and make an effort to express it in the remaining 364 days.  

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