Monday, September 3, 2012

Back in the game

Guess who is back in the game….ME! Enough is enough, it’s time to be a big girl and gain control over some aspects of my life. I know I am not in complete control of my life in whole, God is, but I guess what I’m want to achieve is a life with a little more structure and order.

School . I need to graduate and it needs to be sooner rather than later. I don’t know what it is about school that makes me dig my heels in the dirt and not get over and done with. I don’t know if it’s because I had a bad experience regarding nursing, a career I was so sure I was ment for. Perhaps it’s my indecision about what I want to be when I grow up, but the sad fact of life is, I am grown up and I need to figure this out.

Organizational skills.  Yea I lack them and they need to honed in, no I need to find them. I enjoy organizing events and parties, those kinds of things, but its cleaning and organizing my personal space that I need work on. Maybe I have lazy tendencies, or maybe I feel like it’s a waste of time because it will get messed up in a matter of days so why even bother.

My weight . I get on my fitness kicks for a couple of months where I will be strict with my diet and dedicated to exercising, but then I will be dormant and not care for about two months. In those two months I will completely reverse any progress I made, which of course will be followed by self-loathing. Why can’t I make my habits stick and why can’t I be 100% dedicated to getting this weight off once and for all.

Instead of wasting even more time, and waiting for New Year’s to make these changes in my life, I’m making a Labor Day resolution. Maybe it’s a more appropriate since it takes a lot of labor and effort to make significant changes in one’s life, so here we go.

School. I will start and FINISH my classes. I will ask for help when needed, will turn off the computer in order to do homework and will leave a room if I cannot concentrate. I will finish what I set out to do, my degree might not be appropriate for my career in the future, but since I do not know what my career will be in the future, or it might be the perfect degree.

Organization. I will start with my closet, then move on to my dresser, and I will finish one load of laundry at a time, put it away, and then move on to the other load. I will make my bed everyday, and will make an attempt to make my bedroom an organizational haven.

Weight. No more sweets in the house, if I want something sweet like candy or ice cream I will have to exert more energy than walking into my kitchen, I will need to go the store to get it. I will go to the gym at least four times a week, for at least 45 minutes, and I will push myself each time I go and remember what I ate that got my weight so unfirmly planted on my arms, thighs, stomach and butt. 
Back in the gym!
Working out hard enough sweat is pouring down your leg = satisfaction